So many people and brands are now gaming for Facebook “engagement” that it’s ruining the platform for a lot of people.
Luckily, not too many of my friends fall for this stuff, but plenty of people have friends who do, so here’s a selection of the more desperate attempts to raise page awareness.
Lets start with this one.
No, I’m going to let my mum die. She knows it, too.
Because spamming your mates with crap always makes you lots of money, right? And cos magic.
Well played.
I liked this four times. It was heaps of fun. Changed my life.
The old “vote with a like or a comment” spam. Also if you don’t vote you obviously hate your country and won’t get any pavlova, which totally puts a dampener on my plans to finish an entire one by myself on Christmas day.
Not pictured: The “one like=one dollar donated” spam, and the “leave your password in the comments to see what happens!” spam.